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We are an inter-disciplinary group and welcome researchers from diverse backgrounds. We are looking for enthusiastic, motivated and talented students and postdocs.


To be a good fit in the lab, you need to share our passion and curiosity for Mechanobiology, be able to work independently but also enjoy collaborating with a diverse team, and get a kick out of learning new things in the lab and outside.


We are committed to providing a growth environment and supportive mentorship at all levels of academic training.



Prospective postdocs should email Medha Pathak to discuss possibilities and will be asked to provide a CV, research write-up, and letters of reference.


Graduate Students
Current UCI graduate students interested in a research rotation this academic year should email Medha Pathak. We are part of the 
CMB, INP, MSTP, MCSB, and BME graduate programs. We can accept rotation students from these programs and others. Prospective graduate students should contact the above graduate programs, and are welcome to email Medha Pathak.


Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students interested in Bio 199 research should email Medha Pathak with a cover letter, CV and academic transcript.


High School Students

We are currently not recruiting new high school students.



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